Liberation List: Summer 2024
There are 196 total qualifying songs, 133 of which are not currently on the list. Additional qualifying songs are #27, #34, #41, After Everything, Again and Again, All Along the Watchtower, All You Wanted Was Tomorrow, American Baby Intro, Ants Marching, Bartender, Best of What's Around, The, Big Eyed Fish, Bismarck, Break for It, Break Free, Brick House, Burning Down the House, Busted Stuff, Can't Stop, Captain, Cha Cha, Christmas Song, Come On Come On, Come Tomorrow, Corn Bread, Cortez the Killer, Crash Into Me, Crush, Cry Freedom, Dancing Nancies, Digging a Ditch, Do You Remember, Don't Drink the Water, Down by the River, Dreaming Tree, The, Drive In Drive Out, Drunken Soldier, Eh Hee, Everyday, Fool in the Rain, Fool to Think, Funny the Way It Is, Grace Is Gone, Granny, Gravedigger, Grey Street, Halloween, Hello Again, Help Myself, Hunger for the Great Light, I Want You (She's So Heavy), Idea of You, If Only, I'll Back You Up, It Could Happen, Jimi Thing, Joyride, JTR, Last Stop, The, Late in the Evening, Let's Dance, Lie in Our Graves, Long Black Veil, Looking for a Vein, Louisiana Bayou, Lover Lay Down, Lying in the Hands of God, Madman's Eyes, Maker, The, Melissa, Minarets, Monsters, Ocean and the Butterfly, The, Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back), One Sweet World, Only Thing, The, Pantala Naga Pampa, Pay for What You Get, Pig, Proudest Monkey, Rapunzel, Raven, Recently, Rhyme & Reason, Riff, The, Rooftop, Samurai Cop (Oh Joy Begin), Satellite, Say Goodbye, Seek Up, Seven, Shake Me Like a Monkey, She, Shotgun, Sister, Sledgehammer, Smooth Rider, So Damn Lucky, So Much to Say, So Right, Song That Jane Likes, The, Space Between, The, Spaceman, Spoon, Squirm, Stay (Wasting Time), Stay or Leave, Steady As We Go, Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd, Stone, The, Straight Shot, Sugar Man, Sweet, Sweet, Sweet Up and Down, That Girl Is You, Time Bomb, Too Much, Tripping Billies, Two Step, Typical Situation, Virginia in the Rain, Walk Around the Moon, Warehouse, What Would You Say, What You Are, When the World Ends, Where Are You Going, Why I Am, Will It Go Round in Circles, You & Me, You Might Die Trying, You Never Know. |