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Tour:SummaryShowsSongsGuestsSlotsLiberationsMediaSong Chart
Guest NameInstrument
Boyd Tinsleyviolin
Carter Beauforddrums
Dave Matthewsguitar and vocals
LeRoi Moorehorn and wind
Stefan Lessardbass
Jamal Millnerelectric guitar
Butch Taylorkeyboards
Béla Fleckbanjo
The Lovely LadiesVocals
Carlos Santanaelectric guitar
Benny Rietveldbass
Chester Thompsonkeyboard
Karl Perazzopercussion
Futuremandrums and percussion
Jeff Coffinsaxophone
Victor Wootenbass
Warren Hayneselectric guitar and vocals
Alanis Morissettevocals
Mitch Rutmanelectric guitar
Bandmember NameInstrument
Boyd Tinsleyviolin
Carter Beauforddrums
Dave Matthewsguitar and vocals
LeRoi Moorehorn and wind
Stefan Lessardbass
Jamal Millnerelectric guitar
Butch Taylorkeyboards
Béla Fleckbanjo
The Lovely LadiesVocals
Carlos Santanaelectric guitar
Benny Rietveldbass
Chester Thompsonkeyboard
Karl Perazzopercussion
Futuremandrums and percussion
Jeff Coffinsaxophone
Victor Wootenbass
Warren Hayneselectric guitar and vocals
Alanis Morissettevocals
Mitch Rutmanelectric guitar
All statistical information and computations copyright ©2002, Matias Nino and Rob Bokon. No portion of may be reproduced without permission. Portions of the site, specifically lyrics and songtitles are copyright Colden Grey, Ltd., Bama Rags Records, Red Light Management, RCA and/or BMG. Show posters are copyright their respective artists.
1451385Boyd TinsleyBoydviolinTrueFalse85938
145132Carter BeaufordCarterdrumsTrueTrue2998
145131Dave MatthewsDaveguitar and vocalsTrueTrue1993
1451394LeRoi MooreRoihorn and windTrueFalse94982
1451375Stefan LessardStefanbassTrueTrue75992
1467614Jamal MillnerJamal Millnerelectric guitarFalseFalse1421
1470927Butch TaylorButchkeyboardsFalseFalse27183
147179Béla FleckBéla FleckbanjoFalseFalse931
14721 The Lovely LadiesThe Lovely LadiesVocalsTrueFalsell41
1474441Carlos SantanaCarlos Santanaelectric guitarFalseFalse419
1476445Benny RietveldBenny RietveldbassFalseFalse456
1476444Chester ThompsonChester ThompsonkeyboardFalseFalse446
1476442Karl PerazzoKarl PerazzopercussionFalseFalse4214
147871Dave SoloDave SoloGuitar and Vocals Trueds9
1481612FuturemanFuturemandrums and percussionFalseFalse122
1481710Jeff CoffinJeffsaxophoneFalseTrue101
1481711Victor WootenVictor WootenbassFalseFalse111
1493740Warren HaynesWarren Hayneselectric guitar and vocalsFalseFalse408
1529446Alanis MorissetteAlanis MorissettevocalsFalseFalse461
1549338Mitch RutmanMitch Rutmanelectric guitarFalseFalse381