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Tour:SummaryShowsSongsGuestsSlotsLiberationsMediaSong Chart
Columbus Crew Stadium     Columbus, OH

Sound Check
Where Are You Going
Fool to Think
When the World Ends
Too Much (fake) »
Tripping Billies (intro; segue repeated several times)

Opening Act
Ingrid Michaelson

House Music
Guns 'N' Roses - Appetite for Destruction


Setlist Changes
- Everyday picked instead of Drive In Drive Out
- #41 cut after Everyday
- Sister cut, replaced with Little Thing

Total Song Time
2 hours and 29 minutes and 33 seconds

Song Rarity Rank: 42 of 48

Song Spread 
Under the Table and Dreaming
Before These Crowded Streets
Misc Release
Cover Songs
Dave Matthews - Some Devil
Remember Two Things
Stand Up

Dave Matthews Band
LeRoi Moore did not play at this show due to injury.
Song Title   [ ]Time  Last  Tour  Venue  Personnel  Notes
1Don't Drink the Water 10:28   2  14 of 24   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Timincludes prelude; This Land Is Your Land interpolation
2One Sweet World 6:34   1  8 of 13   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
3You Might Die Trying 8:07   2  22 of 34   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
4So Damn Lucky 7:57   2  26 of 40   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Timextended outro
5The Dreaming Tree 12:16   2  12 of 17   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimJeff on flute; Chocolate Rain interpolation
6Crash Into Me 5:44   1  15 of 24   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimDixie Chicken interpolation
7When the World Ends 3:32   53, TD 1 of 3   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
8Two Step 16:34   2  16 of 28   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim (lyrics)
9Sledgehammer 5:24   2  12 of 25   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
10The Maker 7:21   22  4 of 7   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
11Eh Hee »4:23   2  15 of 28   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
 Water Into Wine »6:30   2  4 of 14   1 of 1   Carter, Dave, Stefan, Rashawn, Timextended version; includes lyrics from Round and Round (lyrics)
12Corn Bread 6:00   2  29 of 46   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimHoe Down interpolation
13Jimi Thing 14:38   2  12 of 18   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimFor What It's Worth outro; horns play the same riff used as the "Fuzzy Wuzzy" jam on 9.6.08
14Everyday 7:54   1  19 of 25   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimYou Can't Rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd interpolation
 Anyone Seen the Bridge »5:45   1  20 of 38   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimTripping Billies interpolation in the "Freeze Time" intro;
Also Sprach Zarathustra and Funk #49 interpolations
 Too Much [fake]  »0:06   2    Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
15Tripping Billies 6:13   4  13 of 19   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Timtheme from Lost in Space interpolation
16Little Thing [partial]  »0:51   103  1 of 2   1 of 1   Dave and Tim
17Gravedigger »4:27   1  16 of 25   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
18Ants Marching 8:49   1  21 of 34   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimCarter solo intro; Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground) interpolation
Rarity  Rank  Tour  So Far 
Song  42 of 482.1652.154
Guest  4 of 51.8962.094
Opener  7 of 73.9232.818
Closer  5 of 77.2867.750
Encore  15 of 255.6674.769 Road Page Notes
It was our first time playing Crew Stadium in Columbus since they tore down the old Polaris. We do miss that place. There were some great moments during tonight's set. Tim's solo during Two Step rocked! The horns came up with an incredible atonal riff during Jimi Thing that blew us all away. Dave started into what we thought would be a Water/Wine tease, but the band turned it into the longest version of that jam that we've heard to date. Can't wait to see where that goes! For the second show in a row, DMB teased the crowd by starting into Too Much, but ultimately segueing into a different closing tune (Tripping Billies tonight). We're driving overnight to Blossom for a show tomorrow. See you there.

The DMB Crew
Tuesday, July 29
11:56 PM EDT
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