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Tour:SummaryShowsSongsGuestsSlotsLiberationsMediaSong Chart

Total Song Time
2 hours and 36 minutes and 56 seconds

Song Rarity Rank: 40 of 122

Song Spread 
Under the Table and Dreaming
Remember Two Things
Misc Release
Before These Crowded Streets
Cover Songs
Boyd Tinsley - True Reflections

Dave Matthews Band
Song Title   [ ]Time  Last  Tour  Venue  Personnel  Notes
1The Best of What's Around 3:28   2  4 of 46   1 of 1   Dave Solo
2Dancing Nancies 4:10   1  7 of 101   1 of 2   Dave Solo
3All Along the Watchtower 4:07   1  3 of 50   1 of 2   Dave Solo
 Improv/Jam 0:17   4  2 of 16   1 of 2   Dave Solo"Tuning Up the Violin Song"
4Christmas Song [partial]  0:58   3  3 of 22   1 of 1   Dave SoloDave playing the main riff and singing the chorus while Boyd tunes
5Tripping Billies 4:49   3  4 of 106   1 of 2   Boyd, DaveNature intro
6One Sweet World 5:32   1  6 of 109   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefanbrief instrumental intro
7Spotlight 5:42   1  4 of 19   1 of 1   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefan
8Help Myself 4:43   1  6 of 69   1 of 3   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefan
9Satellite 4:31   1  6 of 86   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefan
10Minarets »6:00   1  7 of 76   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefantime estimated due to cut in recording
11Blue Water 11:24   1  6 of 32   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefan
12Ants Marching »5:51   1  7 of 116   1 of 4   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, StefanAlso Sprach Zarathustra/Dueling Banjos intro
13Recently 10:04   1  7 of 98   1 of 3   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, StefanStar Spangled Banner and Over the Rainbow interpolations
Set Break
14True Reflections 6:08   1  7 of 94   1 of 3   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, StefanCarter intro
15Dancing Nancies 6:57   1  7 of 101   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefan
16Seek Up 8:24   1  6 of 77   1 of 3   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefan
17Halloween 4:40   1  6 of 53   1 of 3   Carter, Dave, PeterCarter/Peter intro
18Lie in Our Graves 7:00   1  7 of 97   1 of 4   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roidedicated to Lillis and Andrew; Down By the Riverside interpolation; Dance Away outro (lyrics)
19So Much to Say 5:45   1  7 of 33   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefanharmonica intro
20Lover Lay Down 8:15   2  4 of 21   1 of 1   Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefantime estimated due to cut in recording
21Warehouse 8:06   1  6 of 96   1 of 3   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, StefanShortnin' Bread interpolation
22What Would You Say 4:51   1  4 of 53   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefan
 Improv/Jam »6:04   4  2 of 16   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefan
23Typical Situation 8:13   4  2 of 68   1 of 2   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefan
24Granny 3:12   1  6 of 118   1 of 3   Carter, Davededicated to Ryan; first time played within an encore
 Sexy M.F. [tease]  0:03     Dave Solo
25The Song That Jane Likes 2:58   1  4 of 77   1 of 3   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Peter, Roi, Stefanfirst time played within an encore
26Pay for What You Get 4:44   1  6 of 47   1 of 2   Carter, Davefirst time played within an encore; "Norwegian Wood" interpolation
Rarity  Rank  Tour  So Far 
Song  40 of 1222.5921.418
Guest  11 of 110.0001.333
Opener  8 of 1221.2224.000
Closer  2 of 1095.5008.000
Encore  4 of 2676.4005.333
All statistical information and computations copyright ©2002, Matias Nino and Rob Bokon. No portion of may be reproduced without permission. Portions of the site, specifically lyrics and songtitles are copyright Colden Grey, Ltd., Bama Rags Records, Red Light Management, RCA and/or BMG. Show posters are copyright their respective artists.