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Re: MINARETS digest 165

STU_RCTHOMPS@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU Wed May 4 15:26:05 1994

Again, I wasn't trying to compare the two bands!  The 2 bands were
jamming and playing nothing and Leroi saved the day by giving them
something to play.

actually, they were playing yem, and pretty well, imho.  personally
i felt like it was the second worse yem i've ever heard (horde being
the worst) and that leroi actually detracted from it by sending them
on a whacked out tangent.  emphasis on "personally."  i realize that
a lot of people really gizzed out, but i thought it was stupid.

freind of a freind of mine at uva.  i don't know what it means, and
neither does he.  he was stoned at the time, and wound up labeling
dancing nancies as "turtles, turtles, turtles, and more turtles."
any way you look at it, it is such a strange name that it's good for
a laugh when your bored, and it's what i'll always call it.
"it is indeed a great gift of heaven\____________________________________ 
__________________________________     \_________________________________

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words to watchtower (not here, though)

STU_RCTHOMPS@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU Wed May 4 15:29:22 1994

seeing as the innumberable versions on the market, this song should
be pretty easy to find.  i'll go look for it in cyberspace, and if i
find it, i'll post it.

"it is indeed a great gift of heaven\____________________________________ 
__________________________________     \_________________________________

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summer netters.

STU_RCTHOMPS@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU Wed May 4 15:33:00 1994

here's the list of all the people who said that they would be around
over the summer.  remember that alex isn't on this list, so if we
see any subscribe type things we have to be our own watchdogs.

Gregg Carrier            stu_gjcarrie@vax1.acs.jmu.edu  (as of june 15th)
Rick Thompson            stu_rcthomps@vax1.acs.jmu.edu  (as of june 1st)
Amy Orlando              orlanae9@ac.wfunet.wfu.edu
Ben Tanen                btanen@husc.harvard.edu
David W. MacLeay         dwmaclea@colby.edu / dwmaclea@aol.co
Blake Campbell           campb_c@cs.odu.edu
Daniel Blanchat          djb@iia.org
Benny Ferencz            bjammin@aol.com
Kerry Kreiger            kmk4g@virginia.edu
Brian Hauser             hauserbt@pine.circa.ufl.edu
Dave Culp                I12SNOSKI@AOL.COM
Joe Battaglia            lmorgan@uclink.berkeley.edu
Laura Morgan             lmorgan@uclink.berkeley.edu                    
Ben Sterling             nebuious@aol.com
Emily Conjura            (unknown at this point)

i think clare said she'd be around too, but i'm not sure.

"it is indeed a great gift of heaven\____________________________________ 
__________________________________     \_________________________________

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Re: MINARETS digest 165

campb_c@cs.odu.edu Wed May 4 16:21:19 1994

 dancing nancies as "turtles, turtles, turtles, and more turtles."

I STILL haven't figured this one out...Heathcliff's Haiku Warriors fits
that song well though.  But I had it labelled as So Happy...so maybe
Jeff or someone else I asked told me that.  Or maybe I made it up.  Who

Good luck on exams party people...peace, be safe.


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dee3s@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Wed May 4 17:33:10 1994

The watchtower that dmb does is musically different than those
done previously so that by "finding it in any guitar book" (or
something), you're not finding the actual tab.  If anyone
actually has this they should post it or send it to Shawn Peters
to be added to the tab file (and to me!).  Thanks.


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Finally Got The CDs

nebuious@aol.com Wed May 4 19:05:15 1994

Well, the 2 CDs finally arrived, and I have to say they sound really good,
even Recently, if only for those utterly psychopathic sounds Leroi gets out
of his sax during his solo during "Watchtower"

Overall, though, it sounds a bit like Dave has a COLD when he's singing on
CD.  I can't explain it, but it's twice as noticable on the studio tracks. 
he sounds congested.

Anyway, take away the ease of use on CDs, and I honestly prefer tapes over
CDs, but CDs are always a good thing to have songs on, as they obviously have
superior sound quality over audio tapes.

During the process of taking off that really tight covering on my Recently
CD, I broke off one of the edges that holds the plastic that holds the
booklet onto the CD case.  If anyone knows how to fix it, send me song mail.


just another memo from the cellar,

* "I can stand brute force, but brute reason   *  --   Ben Sterling  --  *
*  is quite unbearable.  It is hitting below   * --  Nebuious@aol.com -- *
*  the intellect."         -Oscar Wilde        *  --   New York, NY  --  *

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Re: I'm so happy...

cbs8e@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Wed May 4 20:18:06 1994

believe that was the date in March you were looking for.

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Saturday Show Time

gsp2m@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Thu May 5 09:51:32 1994

In regards to the Saturday (May 7?) show at the Prism, it is listed as
beginning at 6pm and ending at midnight.  I have no idea who is actually
playing when, however.

Shawn Peters


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watchtower tab

STU_RCTHOMPS@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU Thu May 5 10:03:30 1994

as far as watchtower goes, using the first song book you find prolly
would work.  the only parts you need worry about that you won't find

which opens the song.  

for those of you who don't know the chord progression, it's
Am G  F  (G)

most versions jump back up to the g in parantheses, but dave usually
holds it at f.

Am G  F  C/?                           3
where c is slid up to ?, and ? is that 5 chord that anyone playing more
than two years starts using gratuitously all over the place.  (actually
it's just a really fast chord change.)

obviously this doesn't account for any rhythm patterns, but they should
be pretty easy to pick out.

"it is indeed a great gift of heaven\____________________________________ 
__________________________________     \_________________________________

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WTJU show yesterday!!!

gsp2m@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Thu May 5 10:09:18 1994

Tim Show" as part of their annual folk marathon.  Apparently, the idea was to
turn the station over to Dave and Tim for three hours late at night and let
them play or do whatever they wanted.  They played a lot of music that had
influenced them in the past and music that they currently enjoyed listening
to.  However, the majority of the broadcast was filled with Dave and Tim
playing together in the booth.  I found out about the show and was able to
pop a tape in without losing more than a minute at the start of the show.  As
it turns out, I missed the last 30-40 minutes too, but that's another
station, it was now.  Since I was tired of studying for finals, I headed over
to the station to pay the money instead of phoning it in.  When I got to the
station, there was no one around in the offices.  I knew that there had to be
somebody about, but I didn't want to just walk in.  As I stood there trying
to decide what to do, a door opened behind me and Tim invited me in.  As it
turns out, all four of the people still at the station had all been in the
booth.  After paying my pledge, the woman working there indicated that I
could stay and listen if I wanted.  So, for the next two hours, I was able to
sit and listen to Dave and Tim play a few feet away.  They seemed to be
having a great time and enjoyed being incompetent with regards to the
equipment.  Tim's rantings were especially amusing, with the highlight being
his 10 minute attempt at a public service announcement.  It was really a
relaxed and funny atmosphere.  
tapes yet and I don't remember the list from memory.   I'll post it in the
next few days if anyone is interested.  From what I remember, they played
"Best of What's Around", "Recently", "Cry Freedom" (got to request this one),
"Two Step", "Song that Jane Likes", "Dancing Nancies", "Help Myself" (again,
requested), and they closed it up with "Minarets."  Tim also played "You Are
My Sanity" and maybe one other.  Together, they did a couple of improv bits
over Tim's playing.  There you go, sorry for being so long winded...


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Cry Freedom

grayp@pinn.net Thu May 5 14:36:12 1994

Does anyone have any good quality cry freedoms that they would be 
interested in trading.  I have a few dat masters to trade.

=:|o\.    |  |      |  ______                                              :=


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first gig

jcrother Thu May 5 16:48:17 1994

somewhere in the neighboorhood of 20 people showed up.....

alex crothers

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a little dream-diddy

cecliff@vt.edu Thu May 5 18:03:07 1994

compared to the contortions that my mind is capable of creating... 

i had a weird dream about the band last night.  the new bus (buzz buzz) was 
in it, lots of liqour, and this wierd soundboard in the middle of the hotel 
room. and i was smoking camel wides, (not my brand, but i know where this 
came from so it's not much of a concern...).
can have any effect on the mind in sleep? 
as long as the coffee's not in solid form, i'll drink it.
smiles and stress,
clare emily


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indecision grovel & need info how-to-subscribe-to-this-net

Daniel_Gold@Brown.edu Thu May 5 19:11:56 1994


i would like to trade tapes or send blanks to someone for some live
Indecision.  I have only heard them once before & i'd like to hear more.


can someone please email me the instructions for subscribing and
unsibscribing to this network.  i just need the correct info so i can
forward it to some friends.  whoever knowss and reads this, could you
please email me the info instead of posting since i'm on the digest?

thanks for help on either item, folks!


I'm losing my email access on May 18th or so for the duration of the
summer.  If you need to get in touch, please do so ASAP, or contact me this
summer via voice or snail.

I have ARU, DMB, GD, Jambay, Phish, Shockra, WSP, + others to trade.
I'm looking for more HQ WSP (esp. 85, 87, 94;  5/1/92;  5/8/93;  7/17/93),
GD 60's-74, new ARU,  Rusted Root, Jambay, any Leftover Salmon, DMB (esp.
I.P. 3/26/94 and Memphis 3/31/94) live reggae, any others!  (please,
introduce me to more bands!)


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Here are the Watchtower lyrics...

nebuious@aol.com Thu May 5 19:16:23 1994

These are taken from the lyrics given in the Jimi Hendrix guitar
transcription book of "Electric Ladyland"

Dave sings the last few verses twice or so (I think).
All Along The Watchtower

There must be some kind of way out of here
said the joker to the thief.
Too much confusion
I can't get no relief.
Business men they drink my wine
Plow men dig my earth
None will level on the vine
nobody of it is worth.

No reason to get excited
the thief he kindly spoke
There are many here among us
who feel that life is but a joke

But you and I we've been through that
And this is not our fate.
So let us not talk falsely now
the hour is getting late.

All along the watchtower
princes kept the view.
While all the women came and went
bare feet servants too.

Well outside in the cold distance
a wild cat did growl
Two riders were approaching
the wind began to howl.


just another memo from the cellar,

* "I can stand brute force, but brute reason   *  --   Ben Sterling  --  *
*  is quite unbearable.  It is hitting below   * --  Nebuious@aol.com -- *
*  the intellect."         -Oscar Wilde        *  --   New York, NY  --  *

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Blake...get in touch...

STU_GJCARRIE@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU Thu May 5 20:11:15 1994

I'm still interested in those trades so call me at (703) 937 5896
I'm taking off until June 15 or so.

Anyone I owe tapes to...I know and they'll be out before June...sorry 'bout all
this...my life has been in disarray lately...

************ What would you do if I ate your Daddy's shoes? ******************
*    Gregg Carrier  (aka Uncle Zany, the guy in the floppy green hat)        *
*    JMU Box 1734            stu_gjcarrie@vax1.acs.jmu.edu                   *
*    Harrisonburg, VA  22807          (703) JMU-KIND                         *
*********** What would you say if it was naturally for you? ******************

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to Blake...again...

STU_GJCARRIE@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU Thu May 5 20:24:15 1994

Sorry Blak...that zip is 22746...
think I had it wrong...

************ What would you do if I ate your Daddy's shoes? ******************
*    Gregg Carrier  (aka Uncle Zany, the guy in the floppy green hat)        *
*    JMU Box 1734            stu_gjcarrie@vax1.acs.jmu.edu                   *
*    Harrisonburg, VA  22807          (703) JMU-KIND                         *
*********** What would you say if it was naturally for you? ******************

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collidt0@seraph1.sewanee.edu Thu May 5 22:03:15 1994


------------------------------------------------------------------- But you
don't have to be that bright to qualify as a parakeet.  It's a two question
test, "Can you fly? Is your head smooth?  You're a parakeet."


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axvann@minerva.cis.yale.edu Thu May 5 23:08:22 1994

A Day in the Life-The Beatles
Let me know what you think.


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celestial beings from alabama

cecliff@vt.edu Fri May 6 00:33:11 1994

when's the last time the band played angel from montgomery?  (?and isn't 
this a john prine cover or am i not shuffling a full deck?) 
AND........ (ha ha ha ha....) when it was played who sang... boyd or dave? 
great harmony the two of them have going. grab a beer and chill on the 
front porch to it with your eyes closed. down home. th'ts right folks.
'i am an old woman...'

clare 'has-she-really-lost-her-mind' emily

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dave's guitar

grayp@pinn.net Fri May 6 00:41:14 1994

am i correct in assuming the guitar that dave plays is a gibson chet atkins?

=:|o\.    |  |      |  ______                                              :=


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klong@sura.net Fri May 6 08:41:52 1994

My apologies for the waste of bandwidth here but could someone
post the sub/unsub procedures for me, please?  It might be a good
idea anyway since folks are leaving soon for the summer.  I merely
want to change my subscription info so I need both.  Thanks!



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cbuford@liberty.uc.wlu.edu Fri May 6 09:44:42 1994

I think it would be especially entertaining if Dave would continue 
tossing verses of other songs into his own, ie Should I Stay or Should I 
Go (Clash) into Pay for What You Get, Dancin in the Streets into 
Recently, and Tommorow Never Knows (Beatles) into the beginning of 
Minarets. Another brainspasm....maybe Dave should revive the Sweet Home 
Alabama into Ants Marching from earlier last summer, makes a crowd go 
crazy, and makes me laugh out loud......Freebird perhaps???
|Chris "Boofy" Buford 							|
|cbuford@liberty.wlu.edu             	P.O.Box 322			|
|Washington and Lee University	       	Lexington, Va. 24450		|
|									|
| "The future is no place to place your better days..." 		|
|									|
|v3.1	|-)				David Matthews	 		|


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dforbis@birch.ee.vt.edu Fri May 6 10:09:21 1994

A Day in the Life-The Beatles

Wow, good suggestion!  It probably would have been cooler with
Peter, but I could still picture that...

Anybody ever heard "Take 5" by Buddy Rich (I think)?  Really cool
improv jazz number.  Lots of room for all of the members of the
band to shine.


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Re: question

jcrother Fri May 6 10:27:25 1994

 My apologies for the waste of bandwidth here but could someone
 post the sub/unsub procedures for me, please?  It might be a good
 idea anyway since folks are leaving soon for the summer.  I merely
 want to change my subscription info so I need both.  Thanks!

to subscribe to minarets, send the message, "subscribe minarets YOUR 
NAME" to listproc@moose.uvm.edu

to unsub, send the message, "unsubscribe minarets" to listproc

to digestify, send the message, "set minarets mail digest" to listproc

alex crothers

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axvann@minerva.cis.yale.edu Fri May 6 10:45:50 1994

 A Day in the Life-The Beatles
 Wow, good suggestion!  It probably would have been cooler with
 Peter, but I could still picture that...

Thanks- It's good to know my thinking wasn't completely off the mark.
I hate to include non- DMB related material in a message, but I have a
favor to ask. It seems that UVa doesn't let outsiders into their email
directory. Could one of you kind Cavalier souls do me a favor and look up
my cousin- Matt Cohen. He's a junior, or, as you all like to say, a third
year student. Thanks a lot- email the reply directly.
Also- Will the band be back in the Md/Va area in May or June? I heard a
rumor of a late May Bayou show- is this true?


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dforbis@birch.ee.vt.edu Fri May 6 10:50:05 1994

I think Adam intended for this to go to the whole net, not just me,
'cause I ain't no stinkin' Wahoo!  (no flames necessary)

 A Day in the Life-The Beatles
 Wow, good suggestion!  It probably would have been cooler with
 Peter, but I could still picture that...

Thanks- It's good to know my thinking wasn't completely off the mark.
I hate to include non- DMB related material in a message, but I have a
favor to ask. It seems that UVa doesn't let outsiders into their email
directory. Could one of you kind Cavalier souls do me a favor and look up
my cousin- Matt Cohen. He's a junior, or, as you all like to say, a third
year student. Thanks a lot- email the reply directly.
Also- Will the band be back in the Md/Va area in May or June? I heard a
rumor of a late May Bayou show- is this true?


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Re: celestial beings from alabama

jcrother Fri May 6 12:13:39 1994

 when's the last time the band played angel from montgomery?  (?and isn't 
 this a john prine cover or am i not shuffling a full deck?) 

i have angel on a GA Theatre tape from 11-30-93 opening set II with 
it....not sure if that's the last time but that's the latest tape i have 
with it....

alex crothers

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Attn JMU students

jcrother Fri May 6 12:26:07 1994

before anymore JMU students write me asking how to unsubscribe themselve 
year sometime so listproc doesn't recognize your new address and 
therefore doesn't think you're subscribed when you try to unsubscribe 
from that address.

your old address was jmuvax.bitnet and your new address is 
vax1.acs.jmu.edu so when you write listproc to unsubcribe you from 
your new address it thinks you're not subscribed.

i'd suggest resubscribing under your new address.  if listproc doesn't 
send you two copies of every post then everything should be fine and you 
all can unsubscribe without having me do everyone of you manually

this may have happened with some other nodes too so be aware of it if you 
try to unsubscribe and listproc says you aren't subscribed.

alex crothers		


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Re: celestial beings from alabama

btanen@husc.harvard.edu Fri May 6 13:03:02 1994

  when's the last time the band played angel from montgomery?  (?and isn't 
  this a john prine cover or am i not shuffling a full deck?) 
 i have angel on a GA Theatre tape from 11-30-93 opening set II with 
 it....not sure if that's the last time but that's the latest tape i have 
 with it....
 alex crothers
That tape is actually 11/23/93.  



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btanen@husc.harvard.edu Fri May 6 13:09:30 1994

I just sent a message that the November GA show was on the 23rd, not the 

Actually, it was on the 20th.

I will shut up now.


--------------The simple smiles and good times seem all wrong----------------


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i'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of id.

STU_RCTHOMPS@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU Fri May 6 13:33:19 1994

just a quick note to everyone on the net, and prospective lyrics
hunters, i'm off to richmond until june 1st and won't have net
access until then.  so, if you really need to get in touch with
me about a trade or something, call me at (804) 526-5321.


"it is indeed a great gift of heaven\____________________________________ 
__________________________________     \_________________________________

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one netter who will still be around...

CONJURAEM@urvax.urich.edu Fri May 6 14:01:26 1994

Emily Conjura didn't have an address..well it is the same as during the year


it's just that I will be telnetting from other sites, but all my mail
will still go there...so hope to hear from some of you.....


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Setlist, 5/4 @WTJU

gsp2m@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Fri May 6 15:48:18 1994

Blood of Our Children
Say Goodbye
Rhyme & Reason
Best of What's Around
You Are My Sanity
Cry Freedom
Two Step
Song That Jane Likes
Dancing Nancies
Help Myself


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Blood of our Christmas Song

gsp2m@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Fri May 6 20:59:54 1994

was writing the setlist down on an index card and simply put "blood", which,
due to my finals-induced diminished thought capacity, was simply typed in the
next day.  Yes, it is "Christmas Song" (although Dave actually used to
introduce it as Blood of our Children - my weak rationalization for my


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Summer Dates?

bdietz@acs.bu.edu Sat May 7 09:22:31 1994

Have there been any summer dates announced yet?  Are there going to be
any summer dates?


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bdietz@acs.bu.edu Sat May 7 09:24:36 1994

I'm looking for the 11-12-93 DMB and ARU show at the Paradise in Boston.
It was my first DMB and ARU show.  I know that one person out there has it,
but he seems to have forgotten about me.  If someone out there has the tapes
please get back to me.


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Covers & stuff

pip@wam.umd.edu Sat May 7 12:49:30 1994

As for covers, there's a little-known band from Louisiana (or Alabama 
mabey) called Adley Madidafus.  They have a song called Leveeside which I 
think would sound great with Dave's voice.  Anybody ever heard of them? 

Secondly, I usually don't dwell on the "deeper meanings" of songs, but 
I'd be interested to hear how people interpret Dave's lyrics.

Have a good summer,

(Sean, how about a cover of "Picture Yourself"?)


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Angel from Montgomery

gsp2m@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Sat May 7 14:23:20 1994

it, Boyd usually sings the first two verses, Dave the last, and both on the


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the question about Dave's guitar

gsp2m@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Sat May 7 14:32:51 1994

 am i correct in assuming the guitar that dave plays is a gibson chet

Wish I had LOTS of $$$$$$$$ to buy one...


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Re: Angel From Montgomery

kmk4g@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Sat May 7 16:59:51 1994

I was told this was a Bonnie Raitt song.
Boyd sings the "I am an old woman" line, but in the past it's been sung by
Kristin Astbury  (1-19-93).

What is the Tomorrow Never Knows intro to Minarets?  

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laura morgan

kmk4g@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Sat May 7 17:14:18 1994

Laura from Berkeley, if you are still on the net, please write me; I lost
your address.     Kahhhh?


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Re: last Angel

bobgee@merle.acns.nwu.edu Sat May 7 20:00:24 1994

Well, I know Angel From Montgomery was played on April 22 at Denison
University in Ohio, as I was there. It was one of the best Angels I have heard
--  Boyd sounded good and was doing some extra violin soloing. LeRoi was
motioning to Dave and Boyd to hurry and finish the song so they could get in
the rest of their setlist before curfew (12:30) Angel is always a treat to
hear, and has become somehwat rare, but hasn't disappeared from the rotation
all together, like Spotlight, The Maker, Drive in Drive out, Exodus (although
I think I remember seeing this on a setlist from Memphis? recently). 

Anyway, Angel is a John Prine song that Bonnie Rait sings too.


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benjamin@sccs.swarthmore.edu Sat May 7 20:48:50 1994


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Recently a bad CD?

nebuious@aol.com Sat May 7 22:28:19 1994

I've been listening to Recently non-stop, and can't see where many of you say
that it doesn't seem to fit well.

To me, if you take out the stupidity of the extremely cut "Recently", it's a
very good CD.

Starts with two acoustic songs, then goes into "Wachtower", which starts
REALLY light, gets REAL heavy, and then into the last song, "Halloween", one
of DMBs heaviest and most emotional songs.

To my twisted mind, it makes perfect sense.
Any thoughts of my rekindling this old topic?


just another memo from the cellar,

* "I can stand brute force, but brute reason   *  --   Ben Sterling  --  *
*  is quite unbearable.  It is hitting below   * --  Nebuious@aol.com -- *
*  the intellect."         -Oscar Wilde        *  --   New York, NY  --  *

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recently, screaming, summermail

cecliff@vt.edu Sun May 8 03:06:18 1994

To my twisted mind, it makes perfect sense.
Any thoughts of my rekindling this old topic?

nothing else. right? i also love nancies and warehouse as acoustic.  not 
that i don't like them full band or anything, but it's certainly a 
sweetening change. i've got a nice two-step acoustic, and it's calming and 
more fun to sing to. 
tech.  at midnight during exams, all the students go outside, or hang out 
their windows, and blare music, flash strobe lights, and scream for about 
thirty minutes straight.  nice little stress reliever.  last semester, a 
few people wrapped themselves in saran-wrap and ran around the quad.  very 
interesting... especially since it was december... 
summer, i'll just be having it forwarded to my u of r address in r-mond. 
gonna run. 
smiles and laughter, 
clare emily
'what happens if you're scared half to death..... twice?'
___    A     
| |   {*}     
| |  __V__    

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Daniel_Gold@Brown.edu Sun May 8 03:23:16 1994

hear, and has become somehwat rare, but hasn't disappeared from the rotation
all together, like Spotlight, The Maker, Drive in Drive out, Exodus (although
I think I remember seeing this on a setlist from Memphis? recently). 

right,they played Exodus in Memphis 3/31/94,  second set,  a few days after
the IP show.  it was excellent.  a much more spirited performance and song
selection than the IP show (i saw both).


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Re: Angel From Montgomery

cbuford@liberty.uc.wlu.edu Sun May 8 16:17:12 1994

 What is the Tomorrow Never Knows intro to Minarets?  

I swear one time I was at Trax sometime early in this school year, and 
Dave sang some lyrics of Tommorow Never Knows at the very beginning of 
the song. The only way I recognize it is the Dead covered it at RFK this 
past summer. Dave still sings words in the same place now, but I swear 
this one time they were Beatles lyrics, maybe I'm wrong, who knows, it 
sounded real good though.....
|Chris "Boofy" Buford 							|
|cbuford@liberty.wlu.edu             	P.O.Box 322			|
|Washington and Lee University	       	Lexington, Va. 24450		|
|									|
| "The future is no place to place your better days..." 		|
|									|
|v3.1	|-)				David Matthews	 		|


Top Permalink

Angel played May 2

shooper@liberty.uc.wlu.edu Sun May 8 16:25:28 1994

As far as I know, the last time the band played Angel from Montgomery was 
on May 2 in Knoxville at the Bijou.  It was nice to hear it live for a 
change but the crowd seemed only to know "Remember Two Things" and a few 
knew "Recently."  I don't think the setlist has been published and I'm 
sorry to say that I didn't write it down.  But I can tell you that the 
first set was nearly all from Remember Two things except maybe for Best 
and Help Myself.  The second set however was much better mainly because 
Dave began taking requests from the crowd.  A few songs into the set he 
reminded everyone that this was his last east coast show before going 
into the studio and he wanted to know what everyone wanted to hear.  He 
made some suggestions (One Sweet World, Halloween, Watchtower, Jimi 
Thing, Christmas Song, What would You Say).  From these he played OSW, 
Watchtower, and Christmas song.  Overall the show was pretty good; the 
second set definetly made up for the first.  If anyone has or can get a 
tape to the show, I'd be interested in a trade.


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Lexington tapes

bdietz@acs.bu.edu Sun May 8 21:43:07 1994

I'm looking for the DMB set of the Lexington PHiSH show.  I have over
100 hours of PHiSH including the recent Flynn, UMass, Patriot Center,
UDel, 3rd night of Beacon, Binghampton, Lexington, and Buffalo shows.
I also have over 50 hours of DMB, Blues Traveler, Spin Doctors, ARU,
WSP, Dead, Pealr Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, U2, and Billy Joel.


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Re: poi dog pondering

jrs@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu Sun May 8 22:33:41 1994

howdy y'all,
sorry for responding to this so late, but my net access is very limited 
these days. thanks, cindy, for clearing some things up. i'll keep this 
short, but i just wanted to clarify some things in case anyone cares. (i 
know there are some rusted root fans on here, and rr is considered 
very 'poi-ish.')

- poi dog pondering originated in honolulu. they ventured to the 
mainland, eventually settled in austin, shifted members and eventually 
got a record deal. 3 full-length albums were released while they were 
based in texas, but their sound was still very much hawaiian-influenced. 
frank orrall is hawaiian and i think ted cho, who played mandolin and 
guitar, was, too.

- about a year and a half ago or so, poi moved up to chicago because it 
served them better musically and because frank fell in love with brigid 
murphy. several members opted not to make the move. the band now features 
lots of chicago-based musicians. there will always be hawaiian influences 
because that is a very big part of who frank is. (just takes a quick 
glance at his lyrics to see that.) but the band has a funky, semi-jazzy 
flare as well. brigid joined the band as a sax player - she's an integral 
part of the setup now, and not just a tagalong significant other.

- very recently poi started their first tour in well over a year, but 
after a few weeks, brigid's cancer relapsed and frank called off the tour.

if anyone has any questions about poi dog, drop me a line. if i can't 
answer it, i know people who can. write me at aq876@Freenet.HSC.Colorado.EDU.
i wish more people had gotten to see this tour. i saw their two homecoming
shows here in austin and i still get chills and think their live sets are
akin to spiritual transformations. :)



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Re: MINARETS digest 169

klong@nysernet.ORG Mon May 9 07:46:38 1994

Hey, everybody.  I was driving north through PA on Saturday and 
I think I heard DMB being played on the Scranton/Univ. of PA radio
station.  Unfortunately, the signal died before the set was over
and I heard for sure.  But I thought it was great to hear DMB on
the radio.  Any Scranton folks subsribe to Minarets and can confirm
my "sighting"?


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need a band name

SPICE@DICKINSON.EDU Mon May 9 17:18:07 1994

sorry if you think this is cluttering up the net but... my band needs a name! 
so, what better place to search, i thought, than minarets (well, and the 
phishnet).  anyway, please send me any names you can think of!  my email 


i'll make up a list of all the responses i get and post it back to the net if 
anyone's interested.  thank you...


Top Permalink


grayp@pinn.net Mon May 9 19:20:18 1994

does anyone know where i can ftp to get the latest market posting of 
dat-heads, or the address to subscribe to dat heads

=:|o\.    |  |      |  ______                                              :=


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Unknown Venue and Date

ajs13@cornell.edu Mon May 9 19:42:57 1994

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out where and when
this tapes is from.  I think it may be a second set from the Trax, but I am

All Along the Watchtower
Bring Me an Angel       
Tripping Billies
One Sweet World
The Song That Jane Likes
Lie in Our Graves
Typical Situations
Dancing Nancies

Thanks for the help.


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btanen@husc.harvard.edu Mon May 9 19:45:16 1994

11/9/93-- Dave does three solo tunes.
Say Goodbye, ???, Christmas Song.

WHAT IS THAT SECOND SONG?  Come on, help me out here folks.

--------------The simple smiles and good times seem all wrong----------------


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Polite tape grovel

HAUSERBT@pine.circa.ufl.edu Tue May 10 09:22:00 1994

I was hoping with summer being here that one of you Northerners with a 
load of tapes could perhaps spin a tasty SBD show with some of the more
unfamiliar tunes.  I have R2T, Recently and the Bayou show that was treed a 
while back and that's all, and I'd really like some more, please.  So if 
any of you have some extra time and would be willing, I'd appreciate it 
tremendously...Thanks for listening to me grovel.



Top Permalink

Ne worleans: tape???

jcrother Tue May 10 13:27:02 1994

a friend would really appreciate getting a copy of that show.  

the lyrics to
Say Goodbye [formerly Quick lay and goodbye, just for tonight] 

that night really struck this guy and he'd like to have the show to 
listen to.  i'd offer a two for one trade. i can offer some rarities as 

even if you don't have the tape but know of it somewhere, let me know.  
word has it that Bagby didn't tape it so.....there may not be a tape.  
if anyone saw tapes there could you let me know so i know my search isn't 

alex crothers		


Top Permalink


WIFOY@apollo.davidson.edu Tue May 10 14:31:20 1994

Hi folks out there!  I'm a relatively new DMB fan.  I first heard of them
when I heard them at a concert for all the fraternities and eating houses
here on campus at Davidson College last fall.  I have absolutely no
recordings of them save for Remember and I just got Recently yesterday and I
must say regardless of the criticisms of the edit #2 of the title track, it's
still a great effort, IMHO.  It may all boil down to the simple truth that we
like what we first hear.  When I buy an album, I invariably always like the
first track evne if I hate the rest of it[but then I wouldn't buy it]. record
companies know this and put the better of several "good"/"great" tracks at
the beginning to capitalize on this.  The point here being that you like the
first bit you hear usually.  

I never knew that All Along .. could be *that* special!  If anyone [besides
you, Greenfling] has recordings of *any* shows that you think a new fan
should have, or know of anywhere to get cd recordings[as I am a POOR college
student with no DAT to play with] of DMB stuff, like specific record shows,
etc. then email me before the 18th or send snail mail to Will Foy PO Box 2151
Davidson NC 28036 and we'll talk about getting you some blanks etc, as I
again have little to trade.  

In a non-DMB note, do any of you guys like everything?  I see no mention of
everything which is a really good DC based band and I'm surprised that the
fanbase from the VA area has never talked about them...Any boots there?  I do
have a boot from the soundboard from Davidson's PiKA show '93,but it's a 2nd
or 3rd gen. analog, so the quality is good if you turn your stereo WAY up. 
Now that I've rambled enough, I'll shut up and let you fine folks go back to
your business.  Good luck on exams for all you fellow crazy college kids!

Indebted, in your debt, and just plain *in debt*, Will  

[Send me snail mail about tapes please! Help a new boot collector out!]
"So please concoct me some pill I can take when I think of something clever to
say."- John Popper of Blues Traveler in  "Whoops"

Top Permalink

summer's here, we're swimming in the river...

cecliff@vt.edu Tue May 10 15:04:46 1994

this account will still be operational, but i'll be doing most of my 
personal stuff through my university of richmond account. so i'll be in 
touch from there. 
trades, get in touch, or i'll do so. 
now...'excuse me while i kiss the sky'
smiles to all. be jubilant.
clare emily

-boofy...my journal, my savior... 'you light up my life, you shining star..'
-rick.. wait, i'll see you in a few days?!? black pools, and phish backrubs.
-benji... no, I'M twisted.. okay, alright... spunky...wait, 'colorful...'
-wacky sue... hugs. oh... that spin cycle?...it's not physically possible 
-jamie... we're still waiting... pray for it on the rca release. 
-reid... wine, smokes, and you... what more can i say? i owe you... and 

Top Permalink


jcrother Tue May 10 16:01:36 1994

 In a non-DMB note, do any of you guys like everything?  I see no mention of
 everything which is a really good DC based band and I'm surprised that the
 fanbase from the VA area has never talked about them...Any boots there?  I do

i'd like to hear some opinions about this band too....

alex crothers

Top Permalink

New Orleans = Knoxville, TN

jcrother Tue May 10 16:20:03 1994

i've included the original message below but i have to make one change.  
it was not the New Orleans show my friend was after but the show on May 2 
at the Bijou Theatre in Knoxville, TN 

everything still stands with the offer below only i need any info about 
the Knoxville show instead....

alex crothers


a friend would really appreciate getting a copy of that show.  

the lyrics to
Say Goodbye [formerly Quick lay and goodbye, just for tonight] 

that night really struck this guy and he'd like to have the show to 
listen to.  i'd offer a two for one trade. i can offer some rarities as 

even if you don't have the tape but know of it somewhere, let me know.  
word has it that Bagby didn't tape it so.....there may not be a tape.  
if anyone saw tapes there could you let me know so i know my search isn't 

alex crothers		


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@mwbbmsg.attmail.com:rie!4399 Tue May 10 17:03:37 1994

i forgot to tell you my name...i'm christopher

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cbuford@liberty.uc.wlu.edu Tue May 10 17:03:59 1994

pretty decent. I have a few diehard friends who love them, but as of yet, 
they have not caught on for me. Their and Boy O Boy's horn section had a 
stellar performance with Dave at the Lake Matoaka show in a huge Recently 
jam that ended a fine, but cut short performance. They have a funny 
mailer with the most random stuff on it and the Superfly Merchandise 
ordering form, but I don't have the address on hand. Their disc is pretty 
good, (I forgot the name). I am plannin in my un-so-ample time to get a 
tape of their performance (along with dave's) from Matoaka, but I have a 
few busy weeks left in school and my trader (Blake from the net) is 
nowhere to be found. Thats my 2 cents on a pretty good band...contact me 
if your interest in the tapes, but who knows when I'll get them, I'll 
have e-mail access till about June 1....
|Chris "Boofy" Buford 							|
|cbuford@liberty.wlu.edu             	P.O.Box 322			|
|Washington and Lee University	       	Lexington, Va. 24450		|
|									|
| "The future is no place to place your better days..." 		|
|									|
|v3.1	|-)				David Matthews	 		|


Top Permalink

once again how to usubscribe

collidt0@seraph1.sewanee.edu Tue May 10 17:18:35 1994

------------------------------------------------------------------- But you
don't have to be that bright to qualify as a parakeet.  It's a two question
test, "Can you fly? Is your head smooth?  You're a parakeet."


Top Permalink

Jimi Thing Question

kartzman@sas.upenn.edu Tue May 10 17:34:37 1994

why it didn't work for me while also asking a burning question that I've

I heard it from a friend of a friend of Dave, so I'm asking you for
confirmation.  At first, I doubted it, but after relistening to a few
versions, what do you think he means by "take a taste of what's below..."?

Plaza show from 3/26, I've got twelve nice sounding DMB tapes.  Feel free
to express your opinion to me.  I've got way too much time on my hands
since finals ended...


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studio dave

cbs8e@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Tue May 10 18:54:44 1994

studio.  There are various studio noises so I am sure about that.  I'd like
to know the date on it though if anyone has any info.  It has to be a few
years old as it has the old version of Sattelite, After Her, on it.  Here's


Top Permalink

Acoustic Junction

bjammin@aol.com Tue May 10 23:11:07 1994

Heard that Acoustic Junction is or already did open for Dave Matthews Band. 
Acoustic Junction puts on a really great show.  Anyone know the name of the
band playing at the exstravaganja at UMASS the day of the Phish show.  I'll
be on the net all summer and im always up for DMB trades.  Oh yeah the point.
the band want the tapes out or what's the story.  If you have Poi Dog
Pondering Bootlegs or I just got an Indigo Girls tape from when they opened
for the Grateful Dead.
"I Didn't Get Where I Wanted To Go, I Did Enjoy The Ride"

Top Permalink


WIFOY@apollo.davidson.edu Wed May 11 12:07:20 1994

and in other news....

Since I started this everything thread, I'll post what little I know.

1) See them live!  Their disc is great, but it compares to them little when
their music is heard live!  It's the same with DMB!

2) The current disc is "sol [bullet] id" and the cover features the familiar
while the bottom is the symbol for the "Tao" or that which cannot be spoken. 
The cover art is cool.

3)  They are currently working on a new studio/live album and have great new

oriented band.  They want you to "Jump!" during "Soulfish" their capstone
song, and to groove with every beat.  They switch lead singers a lot and the
only guy I can't recall ever singing is the keyboard/trombone player, as all
of them play at least two instruments.  The guitarist plays some mean fills
and the drummer is first rate[although Neil Peart he is not! :)].  Boots
abound!  I have a poor quality boot of the spring '93 show here at
PiKA[groan  :)]  and will be seeing them next week when they come to Ziggy's
in Winston-Salem[my hometown, home of Don Dixon, Let's Active, Mitch Easter
and the Drive-In as well as such terrible corporate moguls as RJR tobacco]. 
Also some other cool HORDE bands will be/have/are playing this summer. 
Leftover Salmon is playing sometime next month and Cracker and Counting Crows
have played earlier this term.  The boot policy is random, really depends on
beach club dates this summer so while you're out baking your body and getting
skin cancer, go see them while your back recovers from the terrible burn you
got that night.  

Guitar = 5 guys plus extras if they add to them. Keyboardist plays trombone
as well as some other stuff.  Lead singer plays a little drum and guitar and
trumpet. Percussionist plays some guitar[I think] and sings really well.  Sax 
player plays percussion extras like whistles in Soulfish, Sax, bass, trumpet
etc.  The lead guitar sings, and plays some random horn instrument and maybe

three sets with about a 20 minute break.  Pretty good for a college show and
the energy never stopped.  

I guess I would be classified as a diehard fan, but they have considerable
Syndrome which is a classic live too!  Next time they play your area, get out
asked for it![and so did I]  Peace!
"So please concoct me some pill I can take when I think of something clever to
say."- John Popper of Blues Traveler in  "Whoops"

Top Permalink

Lyrics for Warehouse or #36?

chico@merle.acns.nwu.edu Wed May 11 17:52:21 1994


does anybody have these?

Please post or email me!


/ \

|Brian Lipman chico@merle.acns.nwu.edu    ( @    @ )   ---------------- |
|Northwestern University                   {    !     }  |  BL   SCR    | |
|1820 Chicago Ave #3002              |      ( \    / )   |    UE   EEN  | |
|Evanston, Illinois  60201-3856     / \      ( \__/ )    ---------------- |
|Ladies and Gentleman...On Drums...Mr. Ernest Gissepe Anastasio -Henrietta|


Top Permalink

Re: e

kmk4g@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Thu May 12 12:53:33 1994

The keyboardist/trombone players sings too


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mxgall@mail.wm.edu Fri May 13 10:57:07 1994

Probably one of the few bands that can sell out the Bayou two nights
in a row and not make much of an impression in SE Va.  Their Bayou
shows are the best I've been to...very intense and draining!  Check
'em out...


Top Permalink

Last Nights Boulder Show

jjthomps@slate.Mines.Colorado.EDU Fri May 13 13:40:47 1994

Well, what can I say - best I've seen in Colorado (best of 4 shows)  I'm really looking
forward to seeing them at Red Rocks again tonight and tomorrow (they played there once before
with the samples and got me hooked.  Anyway on to the set list, in no particular order, and
not including R2T songs (though Minarets was quite intense along with Ants and others) but I
was definately more interested in songs that I have read about here, but not heard live, and
I have not gotten a hold of any tapes (hint, hint for trades from my meager collection).

Dave was good about introducing the songs that aren't on either CD - True Reflections (a new
favorite), Warhouse, Pay For What You Get, Best of Whats Around, Typical Situation, What
Would You Say (he mentioned that they hadn't decided whether or not it will be on the next
album.), Watchtower (encore and quite a crowd response), Rhyme and Reason, and I think they
opened with part of #36, thats all I can remember right now.

I ordered a DAT on Monday, and the guy assured me it would be here by Thursday (day of the
show) but the guy lied - so rather than taping, I was dancing (just as much fun but doesn't
last as long as a good recording, so what I'm asking for is any copy of the show. :)
Hopefully I'll get my recorder soon and catch Laguna Seca Daze, and Soulhat, and Phish, snd
the Spin PhDs later in the Summer.

Anyway, adios, 
Jason (Mr. Wirehead)  

Top Permalink


CORRBEAR@aol.com Sat May 14 12:32:53 1994

can anyone please help me subscribe to the digest...i've been having trouble
figuring it out....
if you can help me, i'll give you a free tape or something...


Top Permalink

trade for #34 anyone?

btanen@husc.harvard.edu Sat May 14 12:57:50 1994

soon going to get two copies of 3/17/93 DMB stright from DAT.  I don't 
need them both so I'd like to trade one pair for two other tapes.  They 
can be anything I don't have, but I'de really like to get some more 
versions of #34.


--------------The simple smiles and good times seem all wrong----------------


Top Permalink

trade offeer closed!

btanen@husc.harvard.edu Sat May 14 15:14:33 1994

Well, thanks for playing y'all.  I found a person to swap with!


--------------The simple smiles and good times seem all wrong----------------


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Recently 'Watchtower' solo

NebuIous@aol.com Sat May 14 23:07:17 1994

On the Recently CD, Leroi's solo is absolutely psychotic, and I was wondering
if anyone could tell me if that was a special one or are they all like that
except the other ones that _I_ have?

Anyway, the lack of traffic is quote astounding. Do we need those JMUers THAT
much? :)


just another memo from the cellar,

* "I can stand brute force, but brute reason   *  --   Ben Sterling  --  *
*  is quite unbearable.  It is hitting below   * --  Nebuious@aol.com -- *
*  the intellect."         -Oscar Wilde        *  --   New York, NY  --  *


Top Permalink

The Song That Jane Likes

NebuIous@aol.com Sun May 15 15:18:59 1994

Well guys, since it appears Shawn is not one of the few summer netters, I
thought I'd send my transcription of The Song That Jane Likes to the entire
net.  I did not transcribe the ending since it's not a very integral piece of
the song, but I do have a good idea of what it is.

Anyway, here it goes... questions, comments, criticism, is always accepted.

The Song That Jane Likes

them like this... sometimes he leaves out the 3rds, sometimes he plays
abbreviated versions of these chords.  Thus, I have simply transcribed full

Intro-Verse- (is there a better name for this section?)

D---0---2---3---0---2----|  x2   (x3 at the end)


h = hammer



The chorus leads directly out of the verse, so I'll transcribe the chords to
the end of the verse again here so you have a lead in to the chorus to hear
what it sounds like.

"While you               "tidy lines..."



just another memo from the cellar,

* "I can stand brute force, but brute reason   *  --   Ben Sterling  --  *
*  is quite unbearable.  It is hitting below   * --  Nebuious@aol.com -- *
*  the intellect."         -Oscar Wilde        *  --   New York, NY  --  *


Top Permalink


grayp@pinn.net Sun May 15 15:36:22 1994

Has anyone heard of this band and if so, are there tapes available?  Saw 
them last night and they were great.  Just curious.

********Set The Gearshift For The High Gear Of Your Soul*******************


Top Permalink

DMB at Red Rocks

jjthomps@slate.Mines.Colorado.EDU Sun May 15 17:39:00 1994

Well, since there is a shortage of net traffic, I hope you all don't mind a
little review/personal story about the shows at Red Rocks over the weekend.

Friday night, got rained on throughout the show, especially during DMB, but
the crowd seemed not to really care, at least the crowd around me.  It was
really cool to see all that bright rain gear bopping up and down all over
the ampitheatre.  Set list was strickly R2T, but all done very well, and
they were only given 30 minutes (I guess that is politics when you have 3
bands playing)  After the set I heard a lot of people sounding very
impressed.  The band does a good job of playing to a larger audience ~9000.

check the wheather behind us and see if we were going to be rained on
again.  Then when I turned back towards the stage to look at the audience
and the view of Denver, I saw Dave sitting in the top row doing the same.
We got to talking and talked about everything from politics, to performance
art, to South Africa, etc.etc.  the man sure can jump topics.  But it was
really cool just to sit and shoot the shit with him for a while.  Anyway,
to be Steve Lillywhite (who has worked with U2 among others) and that they
are going to New York in a couple of days to start recording.  He told me
the name of the studio was Bearsville or Bayersville or something - but I
guess it is one of the top 10 facilities in the U.S. and he was really
excited about the chance to record there.  He spent 20 minutes describing
the way the studio is set up.  As for songs, though nothing is definate, he
mentioned working on Drive In Drive Out.  Although I told him I'd never
heard it in the 6 times I had seen the band.  He also said he would like to
work up Pay For What You Get into a full band arrangement for the album.  I
guess Tim Reynolds will be in the studio with the band as well so we could
see him on the new album.

Then we talked about the set list for that nights show.  He said he would
like to start with Billies, simply because its a good song to introduce the
band to the audience.  I suggested Watchtower because it would be really
cool to see people's faces as they figured out what song the band was
playing.  He also mentioned Rhyme and Reason, but wasn't sure about it.
Besides, he said, they are only given 30 minutes to squeeze in a song list
that does justice to the band.  Well, this night they came out ten minutes
early, opened with Tripping Billies, Satelite, then Rhyme and Reason (which
he told the audience wasn't on the album, but might be on the next), then
Watchtower, then Drive In Drive Out (for wich I yelled "thank you") and
closed with Ants.  The crowd didn't really catch on until the middle of the
set, but seemed to be wowed nonetheless.

Anyway, sorry to ramble, but it was just such a memorable weekend...


Top Permalink

so who lives near woodstock?

btanen@husc.harvard.edu Mon May 16 20:48:08 1994

Okay, with DMB headed up to Bearsville to record what the album that 
will probably be called "The Dave Matthews Band," I was wondering if 
anyone lives in the area and may run into the guys.

If you are up there-- keep us posted!


--------------The simple smiles and good times seem all wrong----------------


Top Permalink


@mwbbmsg.attmail.com:rib!rie!4399 Tue May 17 12:52:41 1994

hey everyone, READ THIS!

it's about time.  :)


------------- Begin Original Message -------------


It's about time.

From today's Chicago Tribune newswires.....

(New York)  A racketeering lawsuit was filed Tuesday against Ticketmaster,
Tower Video, the New York Yankees and other sports teams, alleging they
violate antitrust laws by fixing ticket prices.  The federal suit alleges
Ticketmaster has a monopoly in the off-site sale of tickets and that it has
given kickbacks to arena operators and promoters to obtain exclusive ticket
rights.  Other defendants include Madison Square Garden, New York Jets, New
York Giants football team and the New York Rangers and Islanders hockey
steadily raise ticket prices.

Can we hope for the end of the Ticketbastard monopoly?
Let's hope that a competitor springs up very soon.


Top Permalink

Drive In Drive Out - NOT!!

jjthomps@slate.Mines.Colorado.EDU Tue May 17 14:25:34 1994

When I posted my little speal (sp?) about the Red Rocks shows, I mistakenly
said they played Drive In Drive Out, a fellow netter who was there pointed
out that the song I heard, though it mentioned something about "driving" in
the lyrics, was Two Step.  
This proves two things - one, people are very kind on this net - I didn't
get a lot of mail saying "you idiot, you know nothing!!!", but rather
someone just corrected me, and secondly I NEED TAPES.  I am a newbie, I
only have a few phish to offer as trade, and am still waiting on a dipshit
mailorder company to send out my DAT.  I am willing to send
blanks/maxpoints/firstborn child/etc anything to get a hold of some tapes
so I can learn the songs.  Plus it will give me something to listen to
during the long, tourless months ahead.

Jason (Mr. Wirehead jjthomps@slate.mines.colorado.edu)

Top Permalink

the black dog runs at night

CLIFFORDC@urvax.urich.edu Wed May 18 13:55:16 1994

hello from the black hole of america.

school kicks ass, and i'm back. you've all got the
address in front of you.  this is where i am. if there
are any newbies to the net who've sent requests for 
the article file... HAA HAA HAA (deep bellowing laugh)
i haven't thought about what i'll do about that. give 
me a few more carefree irresponsible days, then i'll 
make a decision. 
clare emily 

ps- to those sig.fans i have... i dunno how to do it yet from here.


Top Permalink

D.C. this summer (no DMC)

bobgee@merle.acns.nwu.edu Thu May 19 20:58:04 1994

Sorry to waste space with non Dave Matthews stuff, but with the small digests
these days, I didn't figure y'all would care too much.

Anyway, I'm gonna be in D.C. this summer (got an internship) and was wondering
if anyone is also staying there and may be looking for an extra person for an
apt. or house they may be subletting (in Georgetown perhaps). I would be
interested, so please let me know.  Also, if anyone may know of a cool
bar/restaurant type place to try to work part time I'd appreciate any tips.  

Thanks, and sorry for the wasted space, but I don't know a soul in washington
and getting a place on my own would cost much $.

They're pretty interesting -- kinda like that Rhyme and Reason thread a while


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Anyone here? ~#

JMUNIZ@worldbank.org Fri May 20 15:23:21 1994


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What the...

jbartlet@liberty.uc.wlu.edu Sat May 21 02:17:07 1994

I don't know if anyone gets this, reads this, or what, but I subscribed 
and there's not a whole lot being said around here! So, from the school 
where Dave made a name for himself (if you don't believe me check the 
liner notes of Remember Two Things), I'd like to ask for more people to 
write to this goddamn net! Is dave playing in New England/Boston this summer?

Jonathan H. Bartlett           ###  # # ###  ###  # #     "...and so fell  
jbartlet@wlu.edu               # #  ###  #   #    ###  the weight I never
Phi Kappa Psi                  ###  # #  #    ##  # #  can lift, behind us   
Washington & Lee               #        ###  ### ____________ the      
____________________________|=__________________/    \\ \\   \  darkness,
----------------------------|=------------------\     \\ \\   | between us


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No summer dates?

bdietz@acs.bu.edu Sat May 21 09:56:15 1994

What no summer tour?  We really want a full DMB show up here in Boston over the summer!


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Halloween Transcription (basically full)

NebuIous@aol.com Sat May 21 22:56:58 1994





Am   G   F   E


Am   Bm


just another memo from the cellar,

* "I can stand brute force, but brute reason   *  --   Ben Sterling  --  *
*  is quite unbearable.  It is hitting below   * --  Nebuious@aol.com -- *
*  the intellect."         -Oscar Wilde        *  --   New York, NY  --  *


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A few questions/Wake up call

NebuIous@aol.com Sat May 21 23:03:45 1994

I have a few questions, partially just to try and liven up this net. :)

1) Does anyone know which HORDE dates DMB will be playing at?  Is Jones Beach
or any of the ones around NY good guesses?  Will they be touring anytime
during the summer?

2) Is Tarx in charlottesville, va?  If not, where is it?

3) If I recall correctly, Dave's sister died a few months ago.  Was this
Jane?  if so, has he played the song that jane likes since that time?

Thanks, any responses, either to the net or personal are very welcome.


just another memo from the cellar,

* "I can stand brute force, but brute reason   *  --   Ben Sterling  --  *
*  is quite unbearable.  It is hitting below   * --  Nebuious@aol.com -- *
*  the intellect."         -Oscar Wilde        *  --   New York, NY  --  *


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Band update?

HAUSERBT@pine.circa.ufl.edu Sun May 22 16:31:50 1994

What's the band doing this summer?  I've seen one June date for the Super Jam
in Athens.  After this I guess they're recording in upstate NY.  Does anyone
know how long? And when might they hit the road again?  They definitely 
deserve a rest but I'm itching to see em again...



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Say Goodbye 10/15/93

bobgee@merle.acns.nwu.edu Mon May 23 00:47:58 1994

I think this is the first time Say Goodbye was played for a few reasons, but
anyone with any other info, please post. I got this acoustic set as filler on
a Dave and Tim show (Best, Rhyme and Reson, Say Goodbye) and I think it was at
Hampden-Sydney. I know the song evolved from "Any noise" or "ani-noise" that
he played a few times in July '93. But this is clearly the chords for Say
Goodbye, but with completely different lyrics. Interestingly, when I talked to
Dave in Chicago on 10/24, he mentioned a new song he had been working on, but
hadn't yet played. Then on 10/26 he played Say Goodbye at Trax, probably with
the current lyrics or something similar. (I haven't heard this show.)

But anyway, here's how this one goes from 10/15:

for a week last week and I wrote this song, but it's not really written yet.
But I'm gonna play it anyway, and I hope I don't fuck it up, but if it sounds
like I'm fuckin' it up, just bear with me."

Oh say, you're turning away again
Oh time grows tired
Oh, watch, well I'm leaving rain (autumn child?)
(..?) Let me go and I wait all the hours
Time to see just where I'm going
We can find our way back anytime soon

Then why in the right (...?)
And you find numbers inside
Lay your troubles at your feet
Lay in cold, no...
The riches are indeed*

Say god, a man is so alone
We stand human, a clever monkey moans
Oh god, look at us all
We dance between how we are and what we appear to be

Oh God, how it grows
This confusion inside us all
But remember the echo that we know so well
Is shared by everyone, everywhere
Say man

The reason why they
Came and called us in again
I won't lie if I say "no"
And the race (....?)
Lie as you will
And fight as we try to beat out what's right with the might
And a powerful fist won't do it, no
No matter how hard we try, it just won't do*
No matter how hard we try, it just won't do*

Chime away, go again
And you'll leave me like you do
Find a way, the darkness separates
We all leave a way
Laid in by, come outside
Breath the air and relax
You're uptight and scream for a while
Let the anger bellow out

But say (...?) lazy
Yea, grey you grow
But why, I'm so tired
For echoes away

I lay by your side
Questions, they won't hide themselves away
Feeling awful
Tired again*

(...?) = unable to discern words
* = sung the same way as "tommorow, go back to being friends" in the current

Well, any ideas on interpretations. Was he just babbling, or does this mean
something. Lots of jumbled ideas it seems to me, but definitely had streaks of
the beautiful introspective stuff Dave pours into his songs. It's always a
great treat when you find a tune like this on a tape. Perhaps the only time he
sung it like this. Probably abandonned the these lyrics for the more cheesy
one he uses now. (I still like them, just not as interesting.)

'I first saw Dave on 9/14/93 on his first trip to Chicago, he opened the show
with a beautiful 6-song acoustic set. Maybe when the audience is smaller, he
feels more free to experiemnt and play alone (there were about 40 folks at
that Chicago show). I just haven't heard of any songs played acoustic recently
except Say Goodbye. I hope he doen't plan on saving these solo renditions just
for the shows with Tim Reynolds, 'cause they're too good.

Just wanted to liven things up around here.


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Where in the World is Blake Campbell?

dee3s@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Mon May 23 03:07:44 1994


Anybody seen or heard from this dude?

Blake, if you're out there, I'm dying to make our trade.
I'm home now - (908) 390-0129.
Please call.


Sorry to bother everyone else.


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Re: MINARETS digest 183

pmcfalls@SEI.CMU.EDU Mon May 23 12:31:07 1994

me. i am up here in pittsburgh after spending a little stint at uva. last
week, i was up in the mountains about an hour a away, in ligonier, pa, close
to seven springs. out of the blue, i met this guy, who was from c-ville, and
we started talking about dmb.i told him how i was into dmb and also more of
his mellow stuff, along with the work of indecision. he goes back to his car,
and gives me a boot of the bayou, fall 93 show? of dmb. it is quite good, and
had a lot of songs that i had never heard or never remembered, aka not the
signature songs. overall, it was just a cool experience all around, and this
to me is what the music scene is about, locale. spreading the word to others.
there is something about being in the mountains. upon the blue ridge
mountains, here i'll take my stand. . .a rifle on my shoulder, six shooter in
my hand, i've been all around this world. oh well, later all, i hope this made
some sense.


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Sony D7 DAT ~#

JMUNIZ@worldbank.org Mon May 23 12:39:29 1994


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Lyrics List

jeg5s@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu Mon May 23 13:56:00 1994

If someone'll tell me what songs dont have lyrics, I'll figure
out two or three this afternoon.

RE TRAX, yes, it is in Charlottesville, VA, on 13 1/2 Street, and
its TRAX not Trax or trax

FAQ File Administrator for rec.music.phish & phish-digest


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Re: A few questions/Wake up call

cbuford@liberty.uc.wlu.edu Mon May 23 14:06:27 1994

 I have a few questions, partially just to try and liven up this net. :)
 3) If I recall correctly, Dave's sister died a few months ago.  Was this
 Jane?  if so, has he played the song that jane likes since that time?
It was not Jane. It was an older sister, I think. Her husband flipped out 
and shot her, then himself, leaving two stranded kids. I think they were 
at VanRipers because Dave mentioned newphews that were seeing him for the 
first time, and there were two children sitting stage right the whole 
show with no real parental firgures in sight. That's about all I can 
remember from the article in the Richmond Time dispatch.....
|Chris "Boofy" Buford 							|
|cbuford@liberty.wlu.edu             	P.O.Box 322			|
|Washington and Lee University	       	Lexington, Va. 24450		|
|									|
| "The future is no place to place your better days..." 		|
|									|
|v3.1	|-)				David Matthews	 		|


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Re: Where in the World is Blake Campbell?

cbuford@liberty.uc.wlu.edu Mon May 23 14:07:16 1994

 Anybody seen or heard from this dude?
He was gone, returned, and rumour has it he's gone for two more months. 
He's even eluding his closest friends so who knows what he's up too....
|Chris "Boofy" Buford 							|
|cbuford@liberty.wlu.edu             	P.O.Box 322			|
|Washington and Lee University	       	Lexington, Va. 24450		|
|									|
| "The future is no place to place your better days..." 		|
|									|
|v3.1	|-)				David Matthews	 		|


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Ants Marching (expanded) Transcription

NebuIous@aol.com Mon May 23 18:55:23 1994

Ants Marching (expanded)

Violin & Sax Lick -

D-------------------------------------------------------------|   x3


Bridge -

"When all the little ants are marching..."

G   D/F#   Em


just another memo from the cellar,

* "I can stand brute force, but brute reason   *  --   Ben Sterling  --  *
*  is quite unbearable.  It is hitting below   * --  Nebuious@aol.com -- *
*  the intellect."         -Oscar Wilde        *  --   New York, NY  --  *


Top Permalink

Seek Up Transcription

NebuIous@aol.com Mon May 23 18:55:28 1994

Pay For What You Get
Typical Situation
The Song That Jane Likes
Ants Marching (expanded type of thing)


Seek Up

Intro -


Bass & Drum Hits

The E string on the bass is tuned down a whole step to D for this song.


fingerpicking a pattern not unlike (though not exactly like) this one, using


"Fall Back Again" Section
Bb   C   Dm     x4


Dm   C   Dm


"Forget about the reasons..."

Bb   C   Dm


"Seek up an emotion..."

A   Bm   G   A

Last time

A   Bm   G   A   ("ha ha... ha ha...")   Bm

From the Bm, you walk up to the Dm, starting again at the verse.


just another memo from the cellar,

* "I can stand brute force, but brute reason   *  --   Ben Sterling  --  *
*  is quite unbearable.  It is hitting below   * --  Nebuious@aol.com -- *
*  the intellect."         -Oscar Wilde        *  --   New York, NY  --  *


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