Total Song Time
36 minutes and 18 seconds
Song Rarity Rank:
9 of 22
Song Spread
Under the Table and Dreaming | | Dave Matthews - Some Devil | | Before These Crowded Streets | | Busted Stuff | | Misc Release | | Cover Songs | | Come Tomorrow | | Walk Around the Moon | |
Dave Matthews (Verizon Pay It Forward Live)
First time Bartender has had a "This Land Is Your Land" interpolation since 10.24.02.
Rarity | Rank | Tour | So Far | 9 of 22 | 10.526 | 5.000 | 2 of 2 | 0.000 | 1.000 | 2 of 3 | 20.000 | 5.000 | 2 of 3 | 8.000 | 3.333 | 1 of 1 | 0.000 | 0.000 |