Setlist Changes
Water Into Wine added
Total Song Time
2 hours and 5 minutes and 31 seconds
Song Rarity Rank:
11 of 42
Song Spread
Before These Crowded Streets | | Come Tomorrow | | Under the Table and Dreaming | | Crash | | Remember Two Things | | Segues | | Everyday | | Stand Up | | Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King | | Away from the World | |
Dave Matthews Band

Released for streaming on Nugs.net somewhere around the beginning of 2021. First time Anyone Seen the Bridge has been played as an opener since 8.23.07. First time Water into Wine has been played since 10.25.15 and first time fully played since 6.26.15. This show was webcast on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, as part of the DMB Drive-In series with the following introduction from Stefan: "This first show is from the famous Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center in Noblesville, Indiana, outside of Indianapolis—also known as Deer Creek to most of our fans. This show is from the evening of June 29, 2019. We opened the night with a short jam called "Has Anybody Seen the Bridge," which is an explosive instrumental that sets the band up for the next song, "Too Much." And it's a special evening when you start off the show with a bass-heavy, drum-heavy instrumental throwdown. Now, "Idea of You" is one of my favorite songs, and luckily for me, and for you tonight, it is in the set. Now, there's a twist in the encore. And some of you might already know it, but I'm not going to ruin it for anybody. Okay, my heart and my home to yours—I hope you enjoy the show." It was also broadcast on SiriusXM (Dave Matthews Band Radio) on Friday, May 8, 2020.
| Song Title | Time | Last | Tour | Venue | Personnel | Notes | 2:00 | 2 | 9 of 25 | 13 of 16 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | Also Sprach Zarathustra and Heartbreaker interpolations | 5:30 | 2 | 11 of 25 | 18 of 21 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 7:40 | 3 | 11 of 27 | 8 of 10 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 7:28 | 25, TD | 1 of 5 | 4 of 7 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | Dave scat/Carter rap intro with Slow and Low interpolation | 16:07 | 3 | 5 of 13 | 15 of 18 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | Stefan solo intro | 4:57 | 2 | 7 of 16 | 3 of 4 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 4:30 | 72, TD | 1 of 8 | 6 of 7 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 5:32 | 4 | 5 of 13 | 18 of 21 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | theme from Lost in Space interpolation | 2:59 | 8 | 7 of 20 | 2 of 2 | Dave Solo |  | 5:35 | 26, TD | 1 of 4 | 6 of 7 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 10:31 | 2 | 6 of 17 | 16 of 20 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 4:11 | 5, TD | 1 of 1 | 6 of 6 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 4:17 | 7 | 4 of 9 | 2 of 2 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 5:37 | 96, TD | 1 of 18 | 5 of 5 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 3:57 | 2 | 3 of 14 | 11 of 13 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 1:42 | 337, TD | 1 of 7 | 3 of 3 | Carter, Dave, Stefan | (lyrics) | 4:58 | 4 | 5 of 13 | 14 of 17 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 6:13 | 2 | 10 of 27 | 18 of 20 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 0:39 | 2 | 8 of 15 | 13 of 15 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 6:06 | 2 | 8 of 15 | 13 of 15 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim |  | 7:05 | 2 | 5 of 10 | 16 of 17 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | Time Bomb intro; truncated version | 7:57 | 3 | 10 of 25 | 20 of 24 | Carter, Dave, Stefan, Buddy, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim | direct intro; Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground) interpolation |
Rarity | Rank | Tour | So Far | 11 of 42 | 3.206 | 3.301 | 6 of 6 | 2.000 | 2.000 | 3 of 6 | 15.333 | 17.000 | 5 of 6 | 5.111 | 2.429 | 16 of 19 | 5.750 | 3.400 |