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Tour:SummaryShowsSongsGuestsSlotsLiberationsMediaSong Chart
The Gorge Amphitheatre     George, WA

Opening Act
The Lone Bellow
All Kinds of Emotional »
If You Don't Love Me
The One You Should've Let Go
Heaven Don't Call Me Home
When Will I Be Loved
Watch over Us
Tree I'll Grow
Then Came the Morning
Green Eyes and a Heart of Gold

Lake Street Dive
God Awful Things
I Don't Care About You
Side Pony
When You Were Mine
Bad Habit »
Hell Yeah
Bad Self Portraits
God Me Fooled »
Nobody Knows What I'm Doing Here
Spectacular Failure
Bohemian Rhapsody
Go Down Smooth

House Music
Eminem - The Eminem Show


Setlist Changes

Total Song Time
2 hours and 29 minutes and 23 seconds

Song Rarity Rank: 2 of 45

Song Spread 
Before These Crowded Streets
Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King
Busted Stuff
Misc Release
Come Tomorrow
Remember Two Things
Under the Table and Dreaming
Dave Matthews - Some Devil
Away from the World

Dave Matthews Band
Song Title   [ ]Time  Last  Tour  Venue  Personnel  Notes
1Squirm 5:27   6  10 of 10   8 of 9   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
2One Sweet World 6:45   5  18 of 18   16 of 19   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
3Granny 3:58   8  17 of 17   13 of 16   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
4Rooftop 5:36   6  9 of 9   4 of 5   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
5Samurai Cop (Oh Joy Begin) 4:51   5  34 of 34   1 of 5   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
6When the World Ends 3:28   6  19 of 19   13 of 15   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
7Funny the Way It Is 4:57   6  6 of 6   7 of 12   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
8Black and Blue Bird 8:03   4  3 of 3   2 of 3   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimLongest documented all-time version of this song 
9Crush 15:07   4  23 of 23   19 of 25   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimStefan solo intro
10Bartender 14:12   27  2 of 2   15 of 18   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Carlos Malta, Jeff, Rashawn, TimIf I Only Had a Brain interpolation
11Shake Me Like a Monkey 3:46   30  4 of 4   10 of 12   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
12Cry Freedom 7:16   101, TD 1 of 1   4 of 6   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Carlos Malta, Tim
13Tripping Billies 5:48   4  17 of 17   20 of 25   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Timtheme from Lost in Space interpolation
14Gravedigger »5:18   5  12 of 12   11 of 14   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimCarter solo intro
15Corn Bread 6:25   8  8 of 8   13 of 19   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, TimHoe Down interpolation
16Raven 5:18   18  4 of 4   5 of 7   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
17Jimi Thing »13:46   4  24 of 24   20 of 26   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Carlos Malta, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
 Sexy M.F. [partial]  2:05   2327  24 of 24   1 of 3   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Carlos Malta, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
 Pantala Naga Pampa »0:38   4  15 of 15   20 of 25   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
18Rapunzel 5:54   4  15 of 15   20 of 24   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
19Sister »4:06   4  9 of 9   9 of 11   Carter, Dave, Rashawn, TimTim solo outro
20Two Step »11:03   6  5 of 5   21 of 26   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Timtruncated version
21Halloween 5:36   6  6 of 6   7 of 8   Boyd, Carter, Dave, Stefan, Jeff, Rashawn, Tim
Rarity  Rank  Tour  So Far 
Song  2 of 454.0123.927
Guest  6 of 84.3215.099
Opener  4 of 69.4009.200
Closer  5 of 64.7004.600
Encore  11 of 227.0506.900
All statistical information and computations copyright ©2002, Matias Nino and Rob Bokon. No portion of may be reproduced without permission. Portions of the site, specifically lyrics and songtitles are copyright Colden Grey, Ltd., Bama Rags Records, Red Light Management, RCA and/or BMG. Show posters are copyright their respective artists.