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2650 Club (Ivy Inn)     Charlottesville, VA

Song Rarity Rank: of 9

Dave Matthews Band (Stefan's birthday party)
This show took place on Stefan's 17th birthday, and it doubled as a surprise party for him. A few other artists performed as well, including John D'Earth. It was originally reported that Stefan's mother guested, but that idea was debunked in October 2010 by Stefan himself on Twitter.

In February 2019, Stefan mentioned on Twitter that he had played a show with the Charlottesville Youth Orchestra earlier in the day and was initially upset that none of the other band members came to see him play until he realized they were waiting to surprise him with this show. He also posted a picture of the band (just himself, Dave, LeRoi, and Carter at the time) performing outdoors.
The setlist for this show is unknown
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