Sound Check
You Never Know A Dream So Real Sweet Up and Down If I Had It All
Opening Act
The Wailers
House Music
Guns N Roses -
Setlist Changes
Dreamgirl cut, replaced with Gravedigger
Total Song Time
2 hours and 18 minutes and 45 seconds
Song Rarity Rank:
8 of 35
Song Spread
Unreleased | | Before These Crowded Streets | | Under the Table and Dreaming | | Crash | | Everyday | | Misc Release | | Remember Two Things | | Busted Stuff | | Segues | | Dave Matthews - Some Devil | | Stand Up | |
Dave Matthews Band
Released as Live Trax Vol. 42 on July 21, 2017 and also webcast as a part of the DMB Drive-In series on Wednesday, August 5, 2020.
| Song Title [ ] | Time | Last | Tour | Venue | Personnel | Notes | 4:24 | 1 | 8 of 16 | 1 of 2 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   | 0:40 | 10 | 6 of 8 | 7 of 16 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |  released on DMB's YouTube channel as a preview for the release | 6:59 | 10 | 6 of 8 | 7 of 16 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |  released on DMB's YouTube channel as a preview for the release | 8:41 | 2 | 11 of 18 | 5 of 11 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |  "You Can't Rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd" interpolation | 11:33 | 2 | 5 of 7 | 3 of 5 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |  "I Dream of Jeannie" interpolation (lyrics) | 4:11 | 12 | 5 of 5 | 2 of 9 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   | 4:39 | 1 | 26 of 37 | 1 of 12 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |  (lyrics) | 4:44 | 1 | 15 of 25 | 1 of 3 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   | 15:07 | 2 | 12 of 16 | 6 of 16 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   | 3:46 | 2 | 11 of 13 | 2 of 7 | Carter, Dave, Butch, Rashawn |   | 10:46 | 83, TD | 1 of 1 | 3 of 3 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   includes instrumental intro while Dave changes shirts; Holding Back the Years interpolation | 4:18 | 14 | 8 of 8 | 1 of 2 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |  extended outro to cover the rest of the band finishing the song before Dave (lyrics) | 4:58 | 2 | 16 of 23 | 7 of 18 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   | 8:27 | 11 | 12 of 14 | 1 of 3 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |  reprise outro (lyrics) | 12:46 | 11 | 6 of 10 | 3 of 12 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |  drunk man intro (lyrics) | 4:11 | 5 | 8 of 10 | 6 of 11 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   | 3:29 | 1 | 16 of 20 | 5 of 10 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   | 6:16 | 1 | 16 of 20 | 8 of 13 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   | 0:08 | 150 | | | Dave Solo |  main riff twice | 3:42 | 4 | 12 of 14 | 3 of 5 | Dave Solo |   | 7:19 | 1 | 18 of 26 | 4 of 10 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |   | 7:41 | 2 | 13 of 19 | 6 of 17 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch, Rashawn |  snare intro; Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground) interpolation |
Rarity | Rank | Tour | So Far | 8 of 35 | 2.424 | 2.364 | 16 of 16 | 1.414 | 1.414 | 5 of 5 | 4.111 | 6.500 | 2 of 4 | 7.400 | 8.667 | 9 of 20 | 5.842 | 5.200 |