Opening Act
Maceo Parker
Total Song Time
2 hours and 2 minutes and 7 seconds
Song Rarity Rank:
7 of 31
Song Spread
Crash | | Before These Crowded Streets | | Under the Table and Dreaming | | Cover Songs | | Segues | | Remember Two Things | |
Dave Matthews Band
Released as Live in Chicago 12.19.98 at the United Center on October 23, 2001.Portions of this show were edited prior to the live release. In addition to the song notes listed, Boyd's solo during Lie in Our Graves was completely overdubbed. It is unknown when/where this solo was recorded. This show was webcast live.
| Song Title [ ] | Time | Last | Tour | Venue | Personnel | Notes | 10:48 | 2 | 14 of 14 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |  (lyrics) | 0:06 | | | | Stefan | omitted from official release | 0:10 | | | | Roi | Roi plays the verse riff once through while Dave talks about the show's being webcast; omitted from official release | 6:37 | 1 | 34 of 34 | 1 of 2 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |   | 9:53 | 3 | 12 of 12 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim, Victor Wooten |   | 0:36 | 417 | | | Dave Solo |  (lyrics) | 12:09 | 3 | 18 of 18 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |  Boyd solo performed is not included on the live release as it was overdubbed in post production | 5:14 | 1 | 4 of 4 | 1 of 3 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Maceo Parker, Tim |  Carol of the Bells interpolation | 5:05 | 1 | 32 of 32 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Roi, Tim |   | 0:39 | 1 | 33 of 33 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |   | 6:59 | 1 | 33 of 33 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |   | 6:26 | 1 | 19 of 19 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |   | 8:57 | 2 | 2 of 2 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Mitch Rutman, Tim, Victor Wooten |   | 5:33 | 2 | 26 of 26 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |  Dixie Chicken interpolation | 13:45 | 2 | 21 of 21 | 1 of 2 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |  taunt tune interpolation; Boyd solo performed is not included on the live release as it was overdubbed in post production | 4:12 | 3 | 14 of 14 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |   | 1:23 | 2 | 22 of 22 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |   | 4:18 | 1 | 29 of 29 | 1 of 1 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |   | 5:32 | 2 | 9 of 9 | 1 of 3 | Carter, Dave, Tim |  All You Need Is Love and Can't Buy Me Love interpolations | 13:45 | 7 | 10 of 10 | 1 of 3 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Tim |  Stefan solo intro |
Rarity | Rank | Tour | So Far | 7 of 31 | 1.943 | 1.943 | 1 of 11 | 7.960 | 7.960 | 4 of 6 | 8.500 | 8.500 | 4 of 5 | 5.667 | 5.667 | 10 of 12 | 3.778 | 3.778 |