Opening Act
Taj Mahal & The Phantom Blues Band Honky Tonk E Z Rider Hard Way Blues Ain't Nothin' Lovin' in My Baby's Eyes Señor Blues Going Up to the Country, Paint My Mailbox Blue Hoochie Coochie Coo Ooh Poo Pah Doo
House Music
Beastie Boys Anthology: The Sounds of Science
Total Song Time
2 hours and 15 minutes and 53 seconds
Song Rarity Rank:
19 of 48
Song Spread
Before These Crowded Streets | | Crash | | Busted Stuff | | Remember Two Things | | Under the Table and Dreaming | | Segues | | Unreleased | | Boyd Tinsley - True Reflections | |
Dave Matthews Band
As the house lights went down and the Beastie Boys compilation album faded out, the band came on stage to the Star Wars piece Imperial March by John Williams.
| Song Title | Time | Last | Tour | Venue | Personnel | Notes | 19:26 | 4 | 10 of 11 | 4 of 6 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 6:00 | 4 | 12 of 13 | 1 of 1 | Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | If I Only Had a Brain interpolation | 0:41 | 2 | 18 of 25 | 3 of 7 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 7:01 | 2 | 18 of 25 | 3 of 7 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 6:18 | 1 | 10 of 17 | 1 of 2 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | (lyrics) | 4:12 | 2 | 13 of 18 | 3 of 4 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 5:03 | 2 | 20 of 24 | 1 of 8 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 9:30 | 3 | 28 of 35 | 1 of 3 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 11:15 | 3 | 19 of 26 | 5 of 12 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 7:46 | 5 | 10 of 14 | 2 of 3 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | mute guitar intro | 6:08 | 1 | 33 of 42 | 1 of 4 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 9:39 | 3 | 13 of 18 | 3 of 12 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | includes prelude | 5:10 | 1 | 27 of 36 | 1 of 4 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 19:39 | 2 | 14 of 19 | 4 of 10 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 4:25 | 1 | 18 of 24 | 3 of 12 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 1:26 | 1 | 15 of 21 | 3 of 9 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 4:26 | 2 | 23 of 30 | 4 of 11 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch | | 7:48 | 1 | 8 of 13 | 2 of 6 | Boyd, Carter, Dave, Roi, Stefan, Butch |  |
Rarity | Rank | Tour | So Far | 19 of 48 | 2.216 | 2.273 | 10 of 11 | 1.185 | 1.136 | 5 of 7 | 7.429 | 6.667 | 5 of 7 | 5.778 | 5.000 | 5 of 20 | 17.333 | 13.333 |